November 17
Rail spiking is complete for almost all of the back run and coming out to Cashier Mill. Survey parties have plotted the transition to the Public Works and Randolph Mill, the transition from there to the New York Mill and most of New York Mill. Grading is completed up through the transition to the New York Mill and I hope to finish out the last passing siding for the New York Mill by the next update.
Since the Public Works and Randolph Mill are too large to fit in the area that I have available, I've decided to invoke selective compression and make the public works a "false front" on the switchback (as you can see from the paper doll at the back of the three track bypass) while Randolph mill will be a "cutaway" to show the interior of the mill (yes, I've been seduced by the dark side of the shadowbox). While the CC and GT had spurs to these industries, I decided the B&CC would build down to them with passing sidings.
Starting to do research on which of the industries I want to put in lower Blackhawk yard, as I hope to have survey parties up there by the end of the month.
I've made a down payment on the frames, rods, and wheel bosses and once they arrive, I'll be working on the NWSL wheel sets I have to be steam drivers.
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