October 16
Well folks, the B&CC has met another milestone over the past two weeks - spiking is now complete on the switchback and trackage in Central City. This leaves only the lower Blackhawk yard to be spiked.
As far as engine construction, the replacement crankpins arrived and I'm happy to say that #s 4 and 6 now have all of their axles and they happily run with a DC motor strapped in. I still have to do some more filing as there isn't enough room for wipers at this point, but that's a known problem - I just need to find the time to do it.
So, I'm now starting to look at how I'm going to modify the C-16 cylinder blocks I'm using and that leads me to ask if anybody knows where I can find hollow rectangular brass. It looks like I need to add a mm or two between the cylinders and I'm thinking that the easiest way to do this is to cut out the mounting screw hole and then insert the end pieces into a piece of hollow rectangular brass that gets a mounting screw hole drilled in it.
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