The B&CC Water Towers


Roof assembly begins by assembling a sub-fascia "ring" by mitering scale 6"x6" lumber 22.5 degrees on each end. Each piece is cut scale 6' long point to long point and assembled with white glue.
Rafters are cut scale 8' 7 13/16" (or 30 mm) and mitered to 16 degree angles on both ends. They are then notched where they will meet 6"x6" ring. The center post starts out as a scale 3' length of 6"x6" and the edges beveled by hand with a mini-rasp. Then two rafters are glued to opposite sides of center post with white glue.
Raise the rafters by attaching the center post and two rafters to the sub-fascia ring at its joints with white glue. Then attach the remaining rafters to both the center post and ring with more white glue.
Prepare eight panels of board and batten roofing by edge gluing scale 1"x8" with white glue. Use plans to cut 21 degree angles in the panels and then attach scale 2"x2" battens at the joints on seven of them. Use the edges of the panel as a guide to miter the battens properly.
On the eighth panel, before adding battens, first glue a scale 2'x2' framing of scale 4"x4" mitered at 45 degrees to the top of the panel with white glue. Then carefully cut out the opening and glue another 4"x4" framing to the inside of the panel with white glue. Then apply the battens around the framing.
Use white glue to attach the panels to the rafters. In addition, cut and mitered scale 4"x12" to act as a fascia and attach it with white glue to the support ring and the underside of each panel. Unevenness in the outside edges models the sagging from water seepage and snow accumulation and will be weathered appropriately.
Lastly use scale 4"x4" for ridge caps. Cut the ends at 16 degree and notch each piece to cover ends of battens. Then attach with white glue.