The B&CC Water Towers


The tank subassembly starts out with a 2" popular scaffold mounted on a lathe. Rough in one end to scale 12' 9" and the other to 12' 3"
Finish turning down the rest of the scaffold on the lathe.
The scaffold is cut to rough length and the bottom and top sanded to a finished height of scale 9'
Scale 2"x6" lumber is used for staves. This is based on the prototype photographs and confirmed by reviewing the proceedings of the American Railway Bridge and Building Association. Each board is cut long (32 mm) and then filed to shape and length and attached using white glue.
Support bands are cut from report cover paper stock to a width of scale 4". The band spacing (from bottom to top) is scale 12", 16", 17", 17", and 12" (determined from the prototype photographs) and bands glued in place with white glue. Lastly, CA is used to attach Grandt Line Hoop Fasteners (catalog #5038). The fasteners are staggered around the tank to follow prototype practice.