Rolling Stock of the Blackhawk and Central City

B&CC combines and cabooses are built on very similar patterns. The prototype for this practice is that used by the Union Pacific in Utah during 1869 as shown in this photograph (expand the photo to 100% magnification and scroll over the back two cars).
First, build two side panels for each car using scribed sheathing with Grandt Line combine baggage doors (catalog #5071) and narrow gauge windows (catalog #5069). Be sure that the two side panels are laid out so that the baggage doors open to the same part of the car and use a piece of scrap lumber behind the combine baggage door to fill the upper sill gap.
Build two end panels from scribed sheathing and a car divider from 1/32" aircraft plywood (I ganged the blanks together with doubled sided tape and then cut all three pieces in a single pass). The end panels for the combine receive Grandt Line coach end doors (catalog #5070) and use the door openings as guides for cutting 3"x3" to form the mouldings on the divider panel.
For the caboose, use Grandt Line caboose doors (catalog #5063). Again, use the door openings as guides for cutting 3"x3" moldings for the dividers.
Add the side and end panels to the car base, fitting the divider to the available space.
Use Grandt Line Coach Seats (Narrow Gauge/Wood End) (Catalog #5048) for seats in booth the combines and cabooses.
Like the house cars, the roof is build by first cutting rafters from 1/32" aircraft plywood.
Use the roof jig to glue the rafter to scribed sheathing (with the scribes faced inward) for the roof.
Lastly file the rafter edges to fit the car box, leaving the roof removable.
Both combines and cabooses get a stove (Grandt Line catalog #5008) in the passenger compartment. When assembling the stove, do not attach the insulator sleeves pipes or caps. These are installed into the roof assembly with a 1/8" hole for the insulator. Once the roof is assembled then carefully fit the stove pipe into the insulator and install the roof. Remove the roof, leaving the stove behind and mark its location. Then install the stove
Combine cars also get a stove (Grandt Line catalog #5007) for the freight compartment. The install procedure for these is identical to that for the passenger compartment stove
Guard rails are made from 0.028" brass wire hand bent and soldered together and then attached to the car ends.
Use the roof construction jig as a base to hold each car upside down while finishing the brakes. Follow the same steps as used for the flat cars.
Cabooses are painted with Polly Scale Caboose Red and Grimy Black.
Combines are painted with Pullman Green and Grimy Black.
Combines are numbered with two digit numbers, while cabooses are numbered in the 400 series. After applying decals, use a light coat of Polly Scale Dust and then add windows using MicroGLAZE adhesive.